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Is Jesus a social justice campaigner?

This morning I started listening to Dr Sean McDowell with Greg Koukl about ‘what was the mission of Jesus?’, based on Koukl’s 2021 book,...

An exercise in frustation

21st February 2022 I’m running an experiment in frustration this week. My sister is two weeks away from being due to give birth, though...

Standing to worship: why it matters

We think that we have an emotion, and our body then responds with the appropriate physiological response. One of my psychology lecturers...

Money: its actions, not attitudes, that matter

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the relevance of our ‘attitudes’ to things in Christianity. It’s fairly common, at least in my...

Love always trusts: when racism isn't.

My church currently runs weekly evening sessions where we get to discuss or hear about slightly ‘wider’ issues or perhaps one might say...

Ramblings following loss

It used to be that I was part of a team of people with chronic illness who researched and wrote about the government’s actions on social...

Wealth is deceitful

I was interested today in the contrast between the sermon preached at my church today and that preached two weeks ago. Today, the speaker...

Review: Neither Poverty Nor Riches, Part 1

This morning I started reading the book Neither Poverty Nor Riches by the American Craig L Blomberg. I can’t tell you how refreshing I...

Types of undeserving poor

This is the third of three blog posts triggered by the book, The Myth of Undeserving Poor, which I recently finished reading. If you read...

Grace to the undeserving poor

In my last blog post I discussed the myth of the undeserving poor, referencing a number of articles which prove the tenacity of the UK...

The Myth of the Undeserving Poor

I recently finished reading The Myth of the Undeserving Poor: a Christian response to poverty in Britain today by Martin Charlesworth and...

Not Just (or even?) For the Poor

II recently picked up the Church of England’s (CofE) 1986 report on the welfare state, Not Just For the Poor. It’s only 138 pages, so it...

Charity is not enough

One argument that I sometimes hear from those who are perhaps more right-wing politically, including Christians, is that our response to...

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